Forums - Does anyone ever use Juggernaut? Show all 66 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Does anyone ever use Juggernaut? ( Posted by Frieza on 06:10:2001 06:40 PM: Does anyone ever use Juggernaut? I know I may be the only one, but does anyone ever use Juggernat besides me? I never see anyone use him Posted by Mr. E on 06:10:2001 06:42 PM: yeah, some people use him for his glitch. Power Up, tag out, and well, you get the picture Posted by Frieza on 06:10:2001 06:55 PM: I tried that, but I cant get it to work, in the arcade or on DC. Posted by Mr. Big on 06:10:2001 06:59 PM: Oh no...I can use Juggernaut. I don't rely on the glitch, though...I'd rather fight straight-up. Put some work into Jug's, and you will see just how lethal he really is. Posted by batsu13 on 06:10:2001 06:59 PM: It's easy. Do a Shoryuken with two punches. After this do not press anything else, just switch. Bring him back out and he should be glitched. Posted by captainsaveahoe on 06:10:2001 07:01 PM: I have seen a lot people use juggs but a lot people use cable and cable just AHVB juggs to death so no one really uses him when they have to battle someone. Posted by Frieza on 06:10:2001 07:06 PM: yea, i love juggy. his overhand right assist kills lots of people. and my megaman juggy trap takes cable out in no time. and i even found a pretty good combo with juggy that can do some nice damage. and another question, who should add to this team? so far i have Megaman/Juggernaut/??? I've tried different people but im just not sure who i should add as my third person. I'm thinking about either Ironman or CapCommando. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 06:10:2001 08:02 PM: the only good jug i see is w/ bb hood and hulk only for their level 3 super that kills the guy in one it...jug is combo city for rushdown and death agaisnt keepaway...unless u have him w/ some good assist he is combo bait...hes not to good at point IMO though... Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:10:2001 08:17 PM: the only time someone uses him with the glitch if not they are gonna get raped Posted by Supergeek on 06:10:2001 08:17 PM: He's mostly used for the assist, glitch and DHC power, he's like Psylocke in Psylocke/Iron Man, main assist. Posted by captainsaveahoe on 06:10:2001 08:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Frieza yea, i love juggy. his overhand right assist kills lots of people. and my megaman juggy trap takes cable out in no time. and i even found a pretty good combo with juggy that can do some nice damage. and another question, who should add to this team? so far i have Megaman/Juggernaut/??? I've tried different people but im just not sure who i should add as my third person. I'm thinking about either Ironman or CapCommando. Go with a anti air, so you can take on the storm players and sent and doom and and mags....... But fo sure a anti air like capcom.. Posted by disgruntled goa on 06:10:2001 09:06 PM: I don't know much about Juggy but i believe on point he's mainly played as a mistake punisher. He's got decent throw range so use that to your advantage. Avoid jumping too much with Juggy since he only has his super armor on the ground. Posted by shadow_WX on 06:10:2001 11:11 PM: i would only use him for his assist glitch Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:10:2001 11:17 PM: Either most of you people play around horrible juggernauts or I am one of the greatest players Jugg player around (most likely the first one). Juggernaut is still very dangerous if you know what you are doing, he can't get in as easily as other characters, but when he goes well.... me Juggernaut my opponent nuff said Posted by Joe Darque on 06:10:2001 11:37 PM: Juggernaut is one lethal mofo and with partners like Sentinel and Blackheart backing him up, he becomes three times as deadly. he is good for his Dash assist (Juggernaut Punch) and when glitched he is even more effective. the beauty about glitched Juggernaut is that he is the only character out of 56 who can kill anyone with less than 10 sussessfull hits. with Juggs, try to OTG alot.i throw out JPs after someone is hit with an inferno. heres a simple 3 step combo that will kill 2/3 of the characters in the game. after you have him glitched do his HP throw, OTG with a HP juggernaut punch XX JHC. if it doesnt kill the chracter then after the land do an eathquake and inferno assist and that should be enough chip damage to finish them off. if you have Sentinel on point then always follow a JP with a Rocket punch. a good combo with Sentinel on point is.......... c.HK (call Juggs after second hit so he will connect after the third hit) Lp rocket punch XX HSF. one more thing. for massive damage get the opponent in the corner and you can get all 6 hits off of Juggernauts arial rave and then OTG with a c.LP XX JHC. with the OTG it should kill every character in the game. Posted by Dasrik on 06:11:2001 12:23 AM: David L (an Upland player) uses Juggy in tournaments, with Magneto and Storm. Earthquake assist is nice, although all of them are pretty good. Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 06:11:2001 01:12 AM: hey blackshinobi thanks fo the sixers=unstoppable and lakers=servbot. mayn sixers are gunna win fo sure i mean lakers to mee suck like hell. they could get beat by the houston rockes and chicago bullz(the sucky bullz the ones that are playin now) Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:11:2001 06:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 hey blackshinobi thanks fo the sixers=unstoppable and lakers=servbot. mayn sixers are gunna win fo sure i mean lakers to mee suck like hell. they could get beat by the houston rockes and chicago bullz(the sucky bullz the ones that are playin now) This series is killing me The sixers missed about 10+ free throws in the fourth quarter on game two. They keep giving games to the lakers. They're still going to win though. Posted by Flaming ChzPuff on 06:11:2001 06:43 AM: Heck, I never have the time to do the Juggernaut glitch when I'm playing, except for when my opponent isn't trying to do a rushdown. It doesn't happen often. Jugg may not have a very good anti-air game and suffers somewhat against keepaways, but on the ground, he is lethal! Posted by ShoFunaki on 06:11:2001 06:54 AM: I do. Pair him up with Zangief and Storm and you got killer team. Posted by BlackShinobi on 06:11:2001 07:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by Flaming ChzPuff Heck, I never have the time to do the Juggernaut glitch when I'm playing, except for when my opponent isn't trying to do a rushdown. It doesn't happen often. Jugg may not have a very good anti-air game and suffers somewhat against keepaways, but on the ground, he is lethal! Do the glitch anyway. Unless you get completely destoryed the extra power you get will make up for it later. Posted by elffzero on 06:11:2001 07:59 AM: there are ways to glitch out safely although they usually involve lots of super meter. but even though the risk is high a glitched juggy is hella scary. but just make sure he has the meter to back himself up. but love jugg the boy is just too cool. Posted by BRENT on 06:11:2001 04:03 PM: Juggernaut is one of my favorites in MvC2. He is generally slow, but his attacks are surprisingly fast. I like him because any regular attack that hits can be comboed into the Juggernaut Head Crush. I have never seen anyone able to counter or get out of it. A comboed Head Crush is also extremely damaging, taking more than a third off most characters. About the glitch, is it supposed to work on the Dreamcast? I have never seen it, but I don't frequent arcades too much. I know that you power-up and then tag out. I confused after that point, though, are only his assists powered-up, or is he powered-up when you call him back out? If his assists are powered-up, does he falsh red like normal, or does he look the same and just dish out more damage? Please help end the confusion for god sake! Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 04:29 PM: Thats what I say! I've never seen the glitch either! Do you have to tag juggy in right after you tag him out or what??? I've been hellishly confused about this! Posted by VanDread_431 on 06:11:2001 05:16 PM: juggernaut is a good character but toooooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 05:24 PM: I'll admit he's a bit slow. but i've found some damn good combos with him and he's only a good point character (not that good) if he has a capture type assist so he can do his head crush. He's also good against people who like assists. Just wait till they finish and hten head crush. You may not catch the character who is in, but you'll do massive damage to the assist character. Akuma is good with him with his expansion assist. Posted by ssj4sonnino on 06:11:2001 05:35 PM: I'm JUGGERNAUT!!! I think I could devestate anyone with Juggy with or without the glitch. My team is Akuma, Jin, and Juggernaut. A little Akuma fireball as an assist and Jins clothes shielding ability makes Juggernaut a force to be reconed with. Megaman is a plus (big and small) Posted by Joe Darque on 06:11:2001 05:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by BRENT About the glitch, is it supposed to work on the Dreamcast? I have never seen it, but I don't frequent arcades too much. I know that you power-up and then tag out. I confused after that point, though, are only his assists powered-up, or is he powered-up when you call him back out? If his assists are powered-up, does he falsh red like normal, or does he look the same and just dish out more damage? Please help end the confusion for god sake! this is how the glitch works. power up then tag out. after that he should be powered up throughout the rest of the fight. his assist are powered up. he wont flash anymore but he will be powered up.the glitch is still in effect even if you tag back in. the only way to kill the glitch is to power up again. youll notic it works cuz your opponet will start to die faster. Posted by BRENT on 06:11:2001 05:40 PM: Hey, thanks for clearing that up, Joe Darque. I'm still at work, but I can't wait to go home and try it. How in the world did anyone discover this glitch? They weren't kidding when they called this the information age. Mad props to whomever discovered it. Posted by Joe Darque on 06:11:2001 05:40 PM: i was wondering. i know powering up again will kill the glitch but what if you got a power up while glitched? example....... glitch juggernaut and tag him back in then do Ruby Hearts power up assist. does it kill the glitch or does it make him more powerful?(shudders at the thought) Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 05:43 PM: Yea, Megaman works unseen wonders with Juggy. And throw in Capcom and you have a devastaing team that few people see coming. And thanks for clearing the glitch up! I was wondering why he wasnt flashing! thanks! Posted by ssj4sonnino on 06:11:2001 06:16 PM: Juggernaut Punch! I'm JUGGERNAUT!! Posted by BRENT on 06:11:2001 07:53 PM: How does this Megaman/Juggernaut trap/technique work? I've heard several people mention it, but I've never seen it. Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 08:19 PM: The megaman/juggernaut trap is simple but takes a while to perfect simply jump with megaman (foward works best) and fire a megablast right before ou hit the ground. and when you hit a ground fire another one. these two blasts will be right after each other if timed correctly. And as you land, right before you fire the second blast call out juggernaut with his dash assist. and then shoot a third blast after the second. now heres the beauty of it (although some people may disagree, when preformed correctly its very devastating) juggernauts punch lands between the first two blasts. So if the first blast hits then they are in for a hurt. but if they block, they get some block damage, and if they are cable and they will most likely do a ahvb or a ground one. but now heres where the third balst comes in. when he starts the super the third blast will hit him and cancel it out. Posted by Real Sacred Cow on 06:11:2001 08:33 PM: Juggernuat is a great chara. I use him in my "Dash Brothers" Team (Jugg(dash)/Hulk(dash)/Colossus(aaa)). If u're good enough jugg. u can use he with several different teams, but mine i've created has worked well for me. This team is great, after dispencing out damage with jugg. i glitch him then change him out with colossus, this is where the fun really begins. When u get up to at least 3 meters go into a simple basic combo of, xx 3 super. This combo will basically kill anything in its path. I've tried it on every type of charac. it will kill all small to mid-tall charac., and take off enough damage on the big charac. that basically u just call in assisit after assist to keep ur opponent in the corner and chip them to death. This team is very deadly, and i love using them to have fun with, try it for urself. Posted by SilverGear on 06:11:2001 08:44 PM: Muwahahaha >:) While I don't use Juggernaut often I found a mean little combination while using him with Black-heart that goes like this: On Point: Black Heart Assist: Juggernaut (Juggernaut Punch Assist) BlackHeart: Standing Roundhouse > Juggernaut Punch Assist > Fierce Punch Inferno XX Heart of Darkness. Does some nasty damage on characters like Cable and even more so when Juggy is glitched! And don't get me started on the Throw into Head Crush Posted by Joe Darque on 06:11:2001 09:01 PM: heres some more Blackheart/Juggenaut combos. in corner: s.HK, call juggy dash assist (walk up some), s.HK (the kick wont connect but the demons will link), inferno XX Armageddon. s.HK, call juggy dash assist, Judgementday. in corner: s.HK, call juggy assist (walk up),s.HK XXjudgementday, c.LK, s.MP XX Armegeddon. Posted by Shin_Gallon on 06:11:2001 11:31 PM: I use Juggernaught a LOT in my teams (mostly Bulleta on point, Jin then Juggernaught) His Juggernaught Punch assist is DEADY and I just love punishing people with Cool Hunting when they try to hit Jugs (big, tempting target, takes a lot of willpower to resist trying to tap him a little) Shin Gallon Posted by Frieza on 06:12:2001 12:12 AM: This is probably a stupid question, but who the fuck is Bulleta? Posted by Shin_Gallon on 06:12:2001 12:15 AM: Oh, sorry, they changed her name to the (incredibly stupid sounding) BB Hood in the American version, sorry for the confusion. Shin Gallon, who ONLY refers to characters by their REAL names Posted by Frieza on 06:12:2001 12:18 AM: Oh ok, i get it. And I have to agree with you, Americans make alot of pointless name changes. Like in the Street Fighter Series with the Vega, Bison, and Balrog shit. Posted by Shin_Gallon on 06:12:2001 12:21 AM: Exactly, I hate that shit. I only buy the import versions of ALL Capcom fighters just because of that stuff (getting the games early is an added bonus ^_^) Shin Gallon, who resents Gallon's name being changed to Talbain (could that be MORE cliche???) Posted by karnoi on 06:12:2001 05:59 AM: la la la jugger juggernaught has the fastes super reaction time and goes through anything nearly well he also has hight damage but lol my cable nullifies him so dont ever try to us him against me ???><> Posted by Frieza on 06:12:2001 04:47 PM: I'll admit, cable is not the easiest guy to play against with juggy, but megaman/juggy is much more effective than you give credit for when put in the right hands. Posted by ssj4sonnino on 06:12:2001 05:10 PM: Overall I think Juggernaut is OVERALL the best character in the game. C'mon, massive damage every hit, and if he had 2 supers he would be too much, and his Super Armor is the best out there (besides Colossus power up or Mech-Zangiefs). People say he sucks because they don't know how to use him, or get beat by him. period! Posted by AmScott on 06:12:2001 05:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Frieza This is probably a stupid question, but who the fuck is Bulleta? Bulleta is the Japanese name for BB Hood. Posted by DarthSalamander on 06:12:2001 06:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Joe Darque i was wondering. i know powering up again will kill the glitch but what if you got a power up while glitched? example....... glitch juggernaut and tag him back in then do Ruby Hearts power up assist. does it kill the glitch or does it make him more powerful?(shudders at the thought) Just tried it, the power up from Ruby does not give a glitched Juggs any extra damage unfortuantely. Posted by Frieza on 06:13:2001 05:55 AM: Ok, I've got a question, ones a scrub question and ones a good quesiton First, what is a teir or tier exactly?? I dont know all the lingo of this place yet. And two, you know how you can power up with juggernaut more than once in a row?? say you power up three times in a row without attacking, then you tag out. will he just have the normal powerup glitch or a x3 powerup glitch??? Posted by Jimmmaaay on 06:13:2001 10:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by Frieza Ok, I've got a question, ones a scrub question and ones a good quesiton First, what is a teir or tier exactly?? I dont know all the lingo of this place yet. And two, you know how you can power up with juggernaut more than once in a row?? say you power up three times in a row without attacking, then you tag out. will he just have the normal powerup glitch or a x3 powerup glitch??? Juggernaut does not get get more then one power up. And know needs it if you know what your doing with juggy like i do. Sure lots of hopping is in my game but hey it works against people none pixie characters. Juggernaut putting on pressure is very scary especially with the right assit. Triangle jumping mags and storm both are torn up if you know how to block well. Timming timming Timming!!! Thats all in the game of juggernaut! Reaction speed and power! Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 06:02 AM: People may not understand, many people in my veiw, that Juggernaut i nthe right hands can be an overwhelming force that can reduce a team to rubble if they dont know what to expect. Posted by ssj4sonnino on 06:14:2001 03:40 PM: All I wanna say is that I agree with you Freiza! Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 04:36 PM: Hell yea! Juggernaut is the bomb! Who do you use him with SSJ?? I use Juggernaut/Megaman/CapCom -I know htis seems to be a weird order, but I always start off getting medium range and then call in CapCom with his AAA to keep my enemy at bay while juggy powers up and then I tag him out with Megaman and let the ass kicking begin. And i dont care if you people think this team sucks, I say, never judge a team until you've seen them play it. There is always room for someone to be surprised Posted by Shin_Gallon on 06:14:2001 08:11 PM: Aside from my Juggernaught/Jin/Bulleta team, I'll team Jug with Sentinel...those two together with jug's Beta assist and Sentinel's Gamma assist (the Sentinel Force). Painful, painful ticking can be done, as well as the fact that the can each act as a shield for the other (as well as my third member, usually either Jin or Bulleta). Add the Jug glitch and you have sweet, sweet pain for your opponent. Shin Gallon, who frightens his friends with Bulleta's mad mine/missile skills. Posted by Trouble on 06:14:2001 09:10 PM: his power makes up for his slow speed! Posted by StiGgZ on 06:14:2001 10:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Frieza Hell yea! Juggernaut is the bomb! Who do you use him with SSJ?? I use Juggernaut/Megaman/CapCom -I know htis seems to be a weird order, but I always start off getting medium range and then call in CapCom with his AAA to keep my enemy at bay while juggy powers up and then I tag him out with Megaman and let the ass kicking begin. And i dont care if you people think this team sucks, I say, never judge a team until you've seen them play it. There is always room for someone to be surprised see dood...i let u tag out...u ask me to do it and i will let u switch out...granted the hell that im gonna reing upon the character that tags in is up to me...a have a 1 supe combo with cable that takes away 80% of your life....if you're willing to risk that upon mega man then so be it... BY THE WAY: are you gonna be at the Galleria on Friday afternoon? I am...if u wanna hook up and see how your team stacks up against mine, then come on out and test it...payce... Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 10:32 PM: I think I can about 2 or so cuase I got a job interview at 12 ive also improved my mega/juggy trap that smartly uses a rockball to stop cables little ahvb and stuff but if i can make it, i look forward to playing some good comp Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 06:14:2001 10:41 PM: jugg own =] Posted by *Magneto* on 06:14:2001 10:45 PM: They just use the glitch to win. Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 10:52 PM: So, its not a bad glitch like the america or gambit one. all it does is make up for his slowness Posted by StiGgZ on 06:15:2001 03:45 PM: Juggs is already strong enuff without it...but powered up juggs is lethal to all assists...i just hope you dont get caught with cabel cuz Juggy eats beams.... Posted by Frieza on 06:15:2001 04:16 PM: Yea, last night I got rolled by this guy with guile. His other two guys werent a problem but Guile...damn. So, then it happened, by accident. I picked Megaman as usual and I went to pick Juggernaut, but whoops...missed and accidently picked spiral. Now I know spiral is good and all, but im not good with her. So I said damn and picked juggy. But it was a new team for me and i had no idea how it would fare. Needless to say I didnt lose another game, hell, I never even lost a single dude the rest of the night. And spiral will piss your cable off with her teleport too Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 06:15:2001 04:59 PM: jugg is the best Posted by TheBestMvC2Man on 06:15:2001 05:02 PM: if jin had the strength of like..doom, he'd be almost top tier, in my opinion Posted by Dark-Angel on 06:15:2001 06:55 PM: I use Juggernaut because he hits very hard I don't care if he's slow and I use him because of my team SonSon/Colosus/Jugg and if I get you with a Shoryuken with SonSon your char is out of the game. -Dark-Angel- Posted by Aerial Ravist on 06:16:2001 10:59 PM: yup i was at teh arcade yesterday and this guy couldnt be beat. juggernaut assisted the whole time and never went down ever. damn bastard! Posted by Flyasianboy on 06:16:2001 11:46 PM: i used juggernaught assist when magneto was doin his Mag Tempest. Jugg went right through it and slapped mag in the face. Jugg didn't even get hurt much All times are GMT. The time now is 10:18 PM. 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